Emmaus Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study - Jude Ý
Copyright 2004 by William Meisheid

Emmaus men’s Bible study is serious scriptural study. Its purpose is to enable you come to grips with the Word of God in an atmosphere of Christian fellowship, supported by men who care about your spiritual growth.

The study’s framework is part presentation and part discussion, using probing questions designed to illuminate the underlying message of the text. At the end of each week’s meeting, the next week’s discussion questions will be given out to allow you to prepare for your next adventure.

Date:    Saturday mornings beginning May 1, 2004
   7:30-9:00 am.
   Parlor room of Bishop Cummins Memorial Church
    The Book of Jude
:   Four weeks
   William Meisheid
Teacher Contact information:
  410-461-6387 or william@meisheid.com
  Past lessons and information about the study will always be available at  http://william.meisheid.com/Emmaus_Anglican_Church/bible_study/men.htm

So, if you miss a study, or know someone who might like to join us in process, you can bring yourself up to date at the website. In addition, printouts of old lessons will always be available at the study.

This study is open to all men interested in advancing their understanding of the scriptures, including those from Emmaus, Bishop Cummins, or any other church. Coffee, tea, juice, and pastries will be provided. 

Prayer for this study

Dear Lord God, you created us to be in fellowship with you, and in Christ Jesus your Son you redeemed us from our sin and gave us new life through the power of the Holy Spirit. In giving us new life, you have asked us to study your Word so that we can sanctify our lives by renewing our minds and offering ourselves as living sacrifices, following the preeminent example of your Son on the cross of Calvary. We pray that you will use this study, O Lord, to change and sanctify our lives so we might become the Christian men you have created us to be, living members of the Body of Christ, and in doing so fulfill our part in advancing your Kingdom here on earth. Bless and protect our families while we are apart from them. We ask all of this in the name of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Course Materials
Lesson 1 (5-1-04) Introduction to Jude and section one (1-4) Salutation and purpose
Lesson 2 (5-8-04) Section two (5-11) Denunciation of false teachers
Lesson 3 (5-22-04) Section three (11-19) Exhortations
Lesson 4 (5-29-04) Section four (20-25) Further exhortations, Doxology and closing along with review of lessons learned.



Copyright 2004-2005 William G. Meisheid
This site was last updated

Number of page visits since April 8, 2002