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Alpha sorted thoughts from beyond the rim...

All items Copyright 2003 William Meisheid. Some items inspired by others, as noted, but worked into my own wording and style..
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Episcopalians - Church goers who believe in God, but not enough to bring it to anyone else’s attention. (inspired by author and radio talk show host Michael Graham in The Door Magazine. interview)

Gluttony - the simple definition is eating or drinking to excess. As a sin it strikes against temperance, which accepts that there are natural limits on pleasures and preserves a balance between avoidance and excess. This applies to all legitimate goods, even the company of others.

Red Meat Religion - If you’re going to believe at all, then get right down to brass tacks and believe with a little honest gusto. (inspired by author and radio talk show host Michael Graham in The Door Magazine. interview)

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Copyright 2002 William G. Meisheid
This site was last updated 12/10/05